luni, 2 februarie 2009

Ibisul tainic

Ibisul bătu de trei ori din aripe,
Chemând spiritul la tainicul sfat...
Degrabă se sui acesta şi porni cu dor aprins
Spre zarea adâncă...unde deja...
Se auzea al prietenilor glas...

4 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

thanks for visit..who language is your poems?

Kaiso spunea...

Hi...i live in Romania, country in the eastern Europe in Balcanic Peninsula...our linguage is romanian, which is an romanic languages derivate from Latin --Roman empire--The old Dacia was a part of roman empire which became later Romania like Lusitania became Portugal --so romanian language and portugueze linguage are related, derived from Latin --in scientific studies i read there is an conclusion that romanian and portugueze are the most related linguages in the Romanic linguages family--by the way brazilian portugueze how diferent is from europe portugueze?

So i can understand portugueze because there is related with romanian so i am curios if you understand romanian ?


Obrigada por responder,poeta...Lindo fim de semana para você..Beijos

Kaiso spunea...

uma bela semana para voce...